Serialized Form
Package org.exolab.jmscts.core |
java.lang.Class _exception
- The expected exception type, or null, if no exceptions are expected
MethodInvoker _invoker
- The method invoker
MessagePopulator[] _populators
- The list of message populators
java.lang.String _content
- The content to populate messages with
java.lang.String _content
- The message content
java.lang.String _name
- Field _name
PropertyTypeType _type
- Field _type
java.lang.String _value
- Field _value
Property[] _list
- A list of properties to populate messages with.
java.util.Map _map
- A map of properties to populate messages with.
int _sequence
- The sequence number
java.lang.String _group
- The group identifier
int _sequence
- The sequence number
java.lang.String _content
- internal content storage
java.util.ArrayList _anyObject
- Field _anyObject
Package org.exolab.jmscts.core.filter |
java.util.ArrayList _includeList
- This element specifies to include the specified test cases
when running
the test suite
java.util.ArrayList _excludeList
- This element specifies to exclude the specified test cases
when running
the test suite
FactoryType _factory
- Field _factory
SessionType _session
- Field _session
DestinationType _destination
- Field _destination
DeliveryModeType _deliveryMode
- Field _deliveryMode
ReceiverType _receiver
- Field _receiver
MessageType _message
- Field _message
java.lang.String _test
- Field _test
Package org.exolab.jmscts.core.meta |
java.lang.String _name
- Field _name
java.lang.String _value
- Field _value
java.util.ArrayList _methodMetaList
- Field _methodMetaList
java.lang.String _name
- Field _name
Description _description
- Field _description
java.util.ArrayList _attributeList
- Field _attributeList
java.util.ArrayList _classMetaList
- Field _classMetaList
Package org.exolab.jmscts.core.service |
java.util.HashMap _listeners
- A map of application identifiers and their corresponding listeners
org.exolab.jmscts.core.service.ExecutionMonitorServer _server
- The server to handle application notification
java.lang.String _name
- The name of the server bound in the RMI registry
java.lang.String _name
- The name of the server bound in the RMI registry
int _port
- The RMI registry port
java.lang.String _name
- The name of the server bound in the RMI registry
AsyncExecutor _executor
- The executor
AbstractTestRunner _runner
- The test runner
java.lang.String _name
- The name of the server bound in the RMI registry
org.exolab.jmscts.core.service.SnapshotServer _server
- The server to handle snapshot requests
TestTerminatorService _service
- The terminator service
AbstractTestRunner _runner
- The test runner
java.lang.String _name
- The name of the server bound in the RMI registry
TestTerminatorServer _server
- The server to handle termination requests
Package org.exolab.jmscts.core.types |
int type
- Field type
java.lang.String stringValue
- Field stringValue
int type
- Field type
java.lang.String stringValue
- Field stringValue
int type
- Field type
java.lang.String stringValue
- Field stringValue
int type
- Field type
java.lang.String stringValue
- Field stringValue
int type
- Field type
java.lang.String stringValue
- Field stringValue
int type
- Field type
java.lang.String stringValue
- Field stringValue
int type
- Field type
java.lang.String stringValue
- Field stringValue
Package |
DeliveryModeType _deliveryMode
- Field _deliveryMode
ReceiverType _receiver
- Field _receiver
DestinationType _destination
- Field _destination
Factory _factory
- Field _factory
SessionType _session
- Field _session
MessageType _message
- Field _message
Behaviour _behaviour
- Field _behaviour
int _runs
- Field _runs
boolean _has_runs
- keeps track of state for field: _runs
int _failures
- Field _failures
boolean _has_failures
- keeps track of state for field: _failures
boolean _supported
- Field _supported
boolean _has_supported
- keeps track of state for field: _supported
java.lang.String _requirementId
- Field _requirementId
java.util.ArrayList _testList
- Field _testList
java.util.ArrayList _requirementIdList
- Field _requirementIdList
java.lang.String _test
- Field _test
TestRun _testRun
- This element describes the results of a single test run.
FactoryType _type
- Field _type
java.lang.String _user
- Field _user
java.lang.String _password
- Field _password
java.lang.String _description
- Field _description
Cause _cause
- Field _cause
RootCause _rootCause
- Field _rootCause
java.lang.String _provider
- Field _provider
CurrentTest _currentTest
- This element details the state of the current executing test
java.util.ArrayList _coverageList
- This element lists the tests which have covered a particular
requirement, and a count of any failures that occurred.
java.util.ArrayList _testRunsList
- This element describes the results of each run of a test.
java.util.ArrayList _failureList
- This element describes a test case failure.
StatisticType _type
- Field _type
int _count
- Field _count
boolean _has_count
- keeps track of state for field: _count
org.exolab.castor.types.Time _time
- Field _time
double _rate
- Field _rate
boolean _has_rate
- keeps track of state for field: _rate
java.lang.String _provider
- Field _provider
java.util.ArrayList _testRunsList
- This element describes the results of each run of a test.
Context _context
- This element specifies the context of a test case.
Failure _failure
- This element describes a test case failure.
java.util.ArrayList _statisticList
- A statistic collected during a test run.
java.lang.String _test
- Field _test
java.util.ArrayList _testRunList
- Field _testRunList
Package |
int type
- Field type
java.lang.String stringValue
- Field stringValue
Package org.exolab.jmscts.requirements |
Description _description
- Field _description
java.util.ArrayList _includeList
- This element includes requirements from another requirements
java.util.ArrayList _referenceList
- This element specifies a requirement reference.
java.util.ArrayList _requirementList
- This element specifies a requirement, defined by the JMS
or associated API documentation. A requirement may be
java.lang.String _path
- Field _path
java.lang.String _referenceId
- Field _referenceId
Section _section
- Field _section
java.lang.String _table
- Field _table
java.lang.String _url
- Field _url
java.lang.String _requirementId
- Field _requirementId
boolean _optional
- Field _optional
boolean _has_optional
- keeps track of state for field: _optional
Description _description
- Field _description
java.util.ArrayList _requirementChoiceList
- Field _requirementChoiceList
RequirementChoiceItem requirementChoiceItem
- Field requirementChoiceItem
java.lang.String _referenceId
- Field _referenceId
Reference _reference
- This element specifies a requirement reference.
java.lang.String _name
- Field _name
java.lang.String _title
- Field _title
java.lang.String _content
- internal content storage
java.util.ArrayList _anyObject
- Field _anyObject
Package org.exolab.jmscts.test.message.copy |
java.lang.String _content
- The content
Package org.exolab.jmscts.test.message.util |
boolean _provider
- If true, indicates that the message may contain provider specific
Note that this does not include JMSXGroupID or JMSXGroupSeq properties,
which may only be set by the client
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