Getting Started

The purpose of this document is to demonstrate the JMS CTS, using OpenJMS as the test subject.

In order to do this:

  1. Download and install JMS CTS.
  2. Set up OpenJMS
  3. Set up JMS CTS
  4. Run the compliance tests

Setting up OpenJMS

OpenJMS can be obtained from

See the Getting Started guide for instructions on downloading, installing, and running OpenJMS.

Setting up JMS CTS

To set up JMS CTS to test OpenJMS:

  1. Configure $JMSCTS_HOME/config/providers.xml



  2. Configure the envi ronment script

    This is a shell script which can be used to add JARS to the CLASSPATH and configure JVM options.

    On Windows, this is the $JMSCTS_HOME/bin/setenv.bat batch file. E.g:

    rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    rem Sample environment script for JMS CTS
    rem This is invoked by jmscts.bat to configure:
    rem . the CLASSPATH, for JMS provider jars
    rem . JVM options
    rem The following configures the JMS CTS for OpenJMS 0.7.6-rc2
    rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    rem Configure the CLASSPATH
    set CLASSPATH=%OPENJMS_HOME%/lib/openjms-0.7.6-rc2.jar
    rem Configure JVM options
    set JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx256m
    set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dopenjms.home=%OPENJMS_HOME% 

    On Unix, it is the $JMSCTS_HOME/bin/ script. E.g:

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Sample environment script for JMS CTS
    # This is invoked by to configure:
    # . the CLASSPATH, for JMS provider jars
    # . JVM options
    # The following configures the JMS CTS for OpenJMS 0.7.6-rc2
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Configure the CLASSPATH
    # Configure JVM options

Running the compliance tests

To run the compliance test suite, enter the following in a command prompt:


> cd %JMSCTS_HOME%\bin
> jmscts.bat run


> cd $JMSCTS_HOME/bin
> run

The tests take several hours to run. On completion, a report is written to $JMSCTS_HOME/report/html/coverage.html , indicating the tests run, requirements covered, and the number of passes and failures.

For runtime options, see Running JMS CTS .