Class AbstractMessageTestRunner

All Implemented Interfaces:
ConnectionFactoryTestCase, ConnectionTestCase, JMSTest, SessionTestCase, junit.framework.Test
Direct Known Subclasses:
MessageTestRunner, SendReceiveTestRunner

public abstract class AbstractMessageTestRunner
extends TestRunner
implements SessionTestCase

This class enables generic message test cases to be run for each JMS message type.

$Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2004/01/31 13:44:24 $
Tim Anderson
See Also:

Fields inherited from class junit.extensions.TestDecorator
Constructor Summary
AbstractMessageTestRunner(MessageTestCase test)
          Construct an instance with the test case to run.
Method Summary
 int countTestCases()
          Counts the number of test cases that will be run by this test
 AckTypes getAckTypes()
          Returns the message acknowledgement types of the sessions to test against.
 ConnectionFactoryTypes getConnectionFactoryTypes()
          Get the connection factory types to test against
protected  void runTest(junit.framework.Test test, junit.framework.TestResult result)
          Run a test against each of the message types it supports
protected abstract  void runTest(junit.framework.Test test, junit.framework.TestResult result, java.lang.Class messageType)
          Runs a test case for the given message type.
 boolean setClientID()
          Returns true if the client identifier should be set on the connection.
 boolean startConnection()
          Returns true if the connection should be started prior to running the test.
Methods inherited from class org.exolab.jmscts.core.TestRunner
basicRun, checkImplements, getChildContext, getContext, getFilter, getTests, setChildContext, setContext, setFilter, share, tearDown
Methods inherited from class junit.extensions.TestSetup
run, setUp
Methods inherited from class junit.extensions.TestDecorator
getTest, toString
Methods inherited from class junit.framework.Assert
assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertFalse, assertFalse, assertNotNull, assertNotNull, assertNotSame, assertNotSame, assertNull, assertNull, assertSame, assertSame, assertTrue, assertTrue, fail, fail
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.exolab.jmscts.core.JMSTest
getContext, setContext, share
Methods inherited from interface junit.framework.Test

Constructor Detail


public AbstractMessageTestRunner(MessageTestCase test)
Construct an instance with the test case to run.
test - the test case to run.
Method Detail


public ConnectionFactoryTypes getConnectionFactoryTypes()
Get the connection factory types to test against
Specified by:
getConnectionFactoryTypes in interface ConnectionFactoryTestCase
the connection factory types to test against


public boolean startConnection()
Returns true if the connection should be started prior to running the test.
Specified by:
startConnection in interface ConnectionTestCase
true if the connection should be started, false if it should be stopped


public boolean setClientID()
Returns true if the client identifier should be set on the connection. This is only applicable for TopicConnection instances, and will be ignored for QueueConnection instances.
Specified by:
setClientID in interface ConnectionTestCase
true if an identifier should be allocated to the connection


public AckTypes getAckTypes()
Returns the message acknowledgement types of the sessions to test against. A session will be constructed for each type
Specified by:
getAckTypes in interface SessionTestCase
the acknowledgement type of the sessions to test against


public int countTestCases()
Counts the number of test cases that will be run by this test
Specified by:
countTestCases in interface junit.framework.Test
countTestCases in class junit.extensions.TestDecorator
the number of test cases that will be run


protected void runTest(junit.framework.Test test,
                       junit.framework.TestResult result)
Run a test against each of the message types it supports
runTest in class TestRunner
test - the test case
result - the instance to collect test results in


protected abstract void runTest(junit.framework.Test test,
                                junit.framework.TestResult result,
                                java.lang.Class messageType)
Runs a test case for the given message type.
test - the test case
result - the instance to collect test results in
messageType - the message type

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