Interface Summary | |
ConnectionFactoryTestCase | This interface enables generic connection factory test cases to be run for each JMS connection factory type. |
ConnectionTestCase | This interface enables generic connection test cases to be run for each JMS connection type. |
ExecutionListener | This interface enables the state of running applications to be monitored |
JMSTest | This interface is the base interface for generic tests that can be to be run for different connection factories, connections, and sessions. |
MessageComparer | Interface for comparing messages |
MessagePopulator | Interface for populating messages |
MessageReceiver | Interface for receiving messages from a MessageConsumer or
QueueBrowser . |
MessageSender | Interface for sending messages using a MessageProducer |
MessageTestCase | This interface enables generic message test cases to be run for each JMS message type. |
MessageVerifier | Interface for verifying message content |
Messenger | This interface enables messaging operations to be performed in a separate JVM |
SendReceiveTestCase | This interface enables generic send/receive message test cases to be run for each JMS message, session and synchronous/asynchronous processing type. |
SessionTestCase | This interface enables generic session test cases to be run for each JMS session type. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractConnectionFactoryTestCase | This class provides a default implementation of the
ConnectionFactoryTestCase interface. |
AbstractConnectionTestCase | This class provides a default implementation of the
ConnectionTestCase interface. |
AbstractMessageComparer | A helper class for comparing messages. |
AbstractMessagePopulator | A helper class for populating messages. |
AbstractMessageTestCase | This class provides a default implementation of the MessageTestCase
interface. |
AbstractMessageTestRunner | This class enables generic message test cases to be run for each JMS message type. |
AbstractMessageVerifier | A helper class for verifying the content of messages. |
AbstractSendReceiveTestCase | This class provides a default implementation of the
SendReceiveTestCase interface. |
AbstractSessionTestCase | This class provides a default implementation of the SessionTestCase
interface. |
AbstractTestRunner | This class enables test cases to be run against different JMS providers |
AckType | Helper class used to indicate what message acknowledgement type should be used to run a particular test case against |
AckTypes | Helper class used to indicate what message acknowledgement types to run a particular test case against |
Admin | This class enables the state of a running compliance suite to be captured, and the suite to be terminated. |
AsyncExecutor | This class enables java applications to be executed asynchronously, with the output being captured, or echoed to System.out and System.err Clients can register a listener to be notified when the application starts and stops. |
AttributeHelper | A helper class for retrieving attributes from class meta-data. |
BasicMessagePopulator | A basic message populator that populates message bodies with 'Hello World!'. |
CachingListener | Helper class for receiving messages asynchronously and caching them |
ChainedMessagePopulator | A helper class for populating messages by invoking a sequence of other message populators. |
ClassHelper | Helper for loading classes and setting/getting any public properties. |
CompletionListener | Helper class to synchronize on the completion of tasks |
ConnectionFactoryHelper | Helper for performing connection factory operations |
ConnectionFactoryTypes | Helper class used to indicate what JMS connection factory types to run a particular test case against |
ConnectionHelper | Helper for performing connection operations |
ConnectionTestRunner | This class enables generic connection test cases to be run for each JMS connection type. |
CountingListener | Helper class for counting the number of messages received. |
DelayedAction | Helper class to run an action in a separate thread after a delay, and catch any exception that the action generates. |
DelegatingListener | A listener which delegates to one or more registered listeners |
DeliveryType | Helper class used to indicate what delivery, destination type and message receipt mode should be used to run a particular test case against |
DeliveryTypes | Helper class used to indicate what delivery, destination type and message receipt modes should be used to run a particular test case against |
DestinationHelper | Helper for creating, destroying and comparing Destination objects |
EchoListener | This helper class implements the MessageListener interface and
echoes messages to another destination |
Executor | This class enables commands to be executed, with the output being captured, or echoed to System.out and System.err |
JMSTestCase | This class is the base class for generic test cases that can be to be run for different connection factories, connections, and sessions. |
JMSTestRunner | This class enables test cases to be run against different JMS providers |
JUnitTestRunner | JUnit test runner which logs a trace as the tests are executed, followed by a summary at the end. |
MessageBodyComparer | A helper class for comparing the body of two messages. |
MessageBodyReferenceComparer | A helper class for comparing if the body of two messages refer to the same object(s). |
MessageContentPopulator | A message populator that populates the body of messages with a string |
MessageCreator | Helper class for creating, and optionally populating messages |
MessageFactory | A factory for creating, and optionally populating messages |
MessagePropertyComparer | A helper class for comparing the properties of two messages. |
MessageSizePopulator | A message populator that populates the body of messages with data of a specific size |
MessageTestRunner | This class enables generic message test cases to be run for each JMS message type. |
MessageTypes | Helper class used to indicate what JMS message types to run a particular test case against |
MessagingBehaviour | Determines the behaviour for sending and receiving messages |
MessagingHelper | Helper class for performing messaging operations |
MethodCache | Helper for caching the methods of a class to avoid expensive
Class.getDeclaredMethods() and Class.getMethod(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class[]) calls |
MethodInvoker | A helper class for invoking methods, and verifying that any exception thrown matches that expected. |
Property | This elment defines a property that can be set on an object, or obtained from an object using set/get methods corresponding to the name attribute. |
PropertyDescriptor | Class PropertyDescriptor. |
PropertyHelper | Helper for manipulating Property instances |
PropertyPopulator | A message populator that populates properties using a list of
Property instances |
ProviderTestRunner | This class enables generic connection factory test cases to be run for each JMS provider. |
ReceiptType | Helper class used to indicate what message receipt type should be used to run a particular test case with |
SendReceiveTestInvoker | Helper class to run a test case, for the given message type, delivery mode, messaging mode, and destination type. |
SendReceiveTestRunner | This class enables generic message test cases to be run for each JMS message type using different delivery modes, synchronous/asynchronous messaging, and administered and non-administered destinations. |
SequenceMessagePopulator | A message populator that populates the body of messages with a sequence number. |
SequencePropertyPopulator | A message populator that populates the 'JMSXGroupID' and 'JMSXGroupSeq' properties of a message. |
SessionHelper | Helper class for performing session operations |
SessionTestRunner | This class enables generic session test cases to be run for each JMS session type. |
StressTestRunner | This class enables stress test cases to be run against different JMS providers |
TestContext | Instances of this class maintain the context of the current test case. |
TestContextHelper | Helper to create new TestContext instances using existing contexts
as prototypes |
TestCoverage | This class maintains the state of the test suite's coverage of requirements |
TestCreator | Helper class for creating JUnit test cases runnable by JMSTestRunner |
TestFilter | Instances of this class determine if a test case is to be tested or not,
based on a filter specified by Filter |
TestProperties | Helper class to provide access to properties defined in a jmscts.properties property file. |
TestRunner | This is the base class for test case runners. |
TestStatistics | This class maintains statistics for the test suite |
Text | Class Text. |
TextDescriptor | Class TextDescriptor. |
ThreadedAction | Helper class to run an action in a separate thread, and catch any exception that the action generates. |
ThreadedActions | Helper class to run and wait for completion of a set of
ThreadedAction instances. |
ThreadedReceiver | Helper class which performs message receipt in a separate thread |
ThreadedSender | Helper class which performs message production in a separate thread |
WaitingListener | This class implements the MessageListener interface and enables
clients to synchronize behaviour with the WaitingListener.onMessage(javax.jms.Message) method. |
Core code used to execute JMS CTS