Package org.exolab.jmscts.core

Core code used to execute JMS CTS


Interface Summary
ConnectionFactoryTestCase This interface enables generic connection factory test cases to be run for each JMS connection factory type.
ConnectionTestCase This interface enables generic connection test cases to be run for each JMS connection type.
ExecutionListener This interface enables the state of running applications to be monitored
JMSTest This interface is the base interface for generic tests that can be to be run for different connection factories, connections, and sessions.
MessageComparer Interface for comparing messages
MessagePopulator Interface for populating messages
MessageReceiver Interface for receiving messages from a MessageConsumer or QueueBrowser.
MessageSender Interface for sending messages using a MessageProducer
MessageTestCase This interface enables generic message test cases to be run for each JMS message type.
MessageVerifier Interface for verifying message content
Messenger This interface enables messaging operations to be performed in a separate JVM
SendReceiveTestCase This interface enables generic send/receive message test cases to be run for each JMS message, session and synchronous/asynchronous processing type.
SessionTestCase This interface enables generic session test cases to be run for each JMS session type.

Class Summary
AbstractConnectionFactoryTestCase This class provides a default implementation of the ConnectionFactoryTestCase interface.
AbstractConnectionTestCase This class provides a default implementation of the ConnectionTestCase interface.
AbstractMessageComparer A helper class for comparing messages.
AbstractMessagePopulator A helper class for populating messages.
AbstractMessageTestCase This class provides a default implementation of the MessageTestCase interface.
AbstractMessageTestRunner This class enables generic message test cases to be run for each JMS message type.
AbstractMessageVerifier A helper class for verifying the content of messages.
AbstractSendReceiveTestCase This class provides a default implementation of the SendReceiveTestCase interface.
AbstractSessionTestCase This class provides a default implementation of the SessionTestCase interface.
AbstractTestRunner This class enables test cases to be run against different JMS providers
AckType Helper class used to indicate what message acknowledgement type should be used to run a particular test case against
AckTypes Helper class used to indicate what message acknowledgement types to run a particular test case against
Admin This class enables the state of a running compliance suite to be captured, and the suite to be terminated.
AsyncExecutor This class enables java applications to be executed asynchronously, with the output being captured, or echoed to System.out and System.err Clients can register a listener to be notified when the application starts and stops.
AttributeHelper A helper class for retrieving attributes from class meta-data.
BasicMessagePopulator A basic message populator that populates message bodies with 'Hello World!'.
CachingListener Helper class for receiving messages asynchronously and caching them
ChainedMessagePopulator A helper class for populating messages by invoking a sequence of other message populators.
ClassHelper Helper for loading classes and setting/getting any public properties.
CompletionListener Helper class to synchronize on the completion of tasks
ConnectionFactoryHelper Helper for performing connection factory operations
ConnectionFactoryTypes Helper class used to indicate what JMS connection factory types to run a particular test case against
ConnectionHelper Helper for performing connection operations
ConnectionTestRunner This class enables generic connection test cases to be run for each JMS connection type.
CountingListener Helper class for counting the number of messages received.
DelayedAction Helper class to run an action in a separate thread after a delay, and catch any exception that the action generates.
DelegatingListener A listener which delegates to one or more registered listeners
DeliveryType Helper class used to indicate what delivery, destination type and message receipt mode should be used to run a particular test case against
DeliveryTypes Helper class used to indicate what delivery, destination type and message receipt modes should be used to run a particular test case against
DestinationHelper Helper for creating, destroying and comparing Destination objects
EchoListener This helper class implements the MessageListener interface and echoes messages to another destination
Executor This class enables commands to be executed, with the output being captured, or echoed to System.out and System.err
JMSTestCase This class is the base class for generic test cases that can be to be run for different connection factories, connections, and sessions.
JMSTestRunner This class enables test cases to be run against different JMS providers
JUnitTestRunner JUnit test runner which logs a trace as the tests are executed, followed by a summary at the end.
MessageBodyComparer A helper class for comparing the body of two messages.
MessageBodyReferenceComparer A helper class for comparing if the body of two messages refer to the same object(s).
MessageContentPopulator A message populator that populates the body of messages with a string
MessageCreator Helper class for creating, and optionally populating messages
MessageFactory A factory for creating, and optionally populating messages
MessagePropertyComparer A helper class for comparing the properties of two messages.
MessageSizePopulator A message populator that populates the body of messages with data of a specific size
MessageTestRunner This class enables generic message test cases to be run for each JMS message type.
MessageTypes Helper class used to indicate what JMS message types to run a particular test case against
MessagingBehaviour Determines the behaviour for sending and receiving messages
MessagingHelper Helper class for performing messaging operations
MethodCache Helper for caching the methods of a class to avoid expensive Class.getDeclaredMethods() and Class.getMethod(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class[]) calls
MethodInvoker A helper class for invoking methods, and verifying that any exception thrown matches that expected.
Property This elment defines a property that can be set on an object, or obtained from an object using set/get methods corresponding to the name attribute.
PropertyDescriptor Class PropertyDescriptor.
PropertyHelper Helper for manipulating Property instances
PropertyPopulator A message populator that populates properties using a list of Property instances
ProviderTestRunner This class enables generic connection factory test cases to be run for each JMS provider.
ReceiptType Helper class used to indicate what message receipt type should be used to run a particular test case with
SendReceiveTestInvoker Helper class to run a test case, for the given message type, delivery mode, messaging mode, and destination type.
SendReceiveTestRunner This class enables generic message test cases to be run for each JMS message type using different delivery modes, synchronous/asynchronous messaging, and administered and non-administered destinations.
SequenceMessagePopulator A message populator that populates the body of messages with a sequence number.
SequencePropertyPopulator A message populator that populates the 'JMSXGroupID' and 'JMSXGroupSeq' properties of a message.
SessionHelper Helper class for performing session operations
SessionTestRunner This class enables generic session test cases to be run for each JMS session type.
StressTestRunner This class enables stress test cases to be run against different JMS providers
TestContext Instances of this class maintain the context of the current test case.
TestContextHelper Helper to create new TestContext instances using existing contexts as prototypes
TestCoverage This class maintains the state of the test suite's coverage of requirements
TestCreator Helper class for creating JUnit test cases runnable by JMSTestRunner
TestFilter Instances of this class determine if a test case is to be tested or not, based on a filter specified by Filter
TestProperties Helper class to provide access to properties defined in a property file.
TestRunner This is the base class for test case runners.
TestStatistics This class maintains statistics for the test suite
Text Class Text.
TextDescriptor Class TextDescriptor.
ThreadedAction Helper class to run an action in a separate thread, and catch any exception that the action generates.
ThreadedActions Helper class to run and wait for completion of a set of ThreadedAction instances.
ThreadedReceiver Helper class which performs message receipt in a separate thread
ThreadedSender Helper class which performs message production in a separate thread
WaitingListener This class implements the MessageListener interface and enables clients to synchronize behaviour with the WaitingListener.onMessage(javax.jms.Message) method.

Package org.exolab.jmscts.core Description

Core code used to execute JMS CTS

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