Uses of Class

Packages that use MessagingBehaviour
org.exolab.jmscts.core Core code used to execute JMS CTS 

Uses of MessagingBehaviour in org.exolab.jmscts.core

Methods in org.exolab.jmscts.core that return MessagingBehaviour
 MessagingBehaviour TestContext.getMessagingBehaviour()
          Returns the current messaging behaviour

Methods in org.exolab.jmscts.core with parameters of type MessagingBehaviour
 boolean TestFilter.includes(TestContext context, MessagingBehaviour behaviour, java.lang.Class messageType, junit.framework.Test test)
          Determines if a test is included by the filter
protected  void SendReceiveTestRunner.runTest(junit.framework.Test test, junit.framework.TestResult result, java.lang.Class messageType, MessagingBehaviour behaviour)
          Runs a test case for a particular message type, against a particular messaging behaviour
static TestContext TestContextHelper.createSendReceiveContext(TestContext context, boolean newConnection, MessagingBehaviour behaviour)
          Creates a new send/receive context with the same details as the supplied context, but with a different messaging behaviour.
static MessageReceiver SessionHelper.createReceiver(javax.jms.Session session, javax.jms.Destination destination, MessagingBehaviour behaviour)
          Create a MessageReceiver for the supplied session, destination, and messaging behaviour
static MessageReceiver SessionHelper.createReceiver(javax.jms.Session session, javax.jms.Destination destination, MessagingBehaviour behaviour, java.lang.String selector, boolean noLocal)
          Create a MessageReceiver for the supplied session, destination, messaging behaviour, and selector
static MessageReceiver SessionHelper.createReceiver(javax.jms.Session session, javax.jms.Destination destination, MessagingBehaviour behaviour, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String selector, boolean noLocal)
          Create a MessageReceiver for the supplied session, destination, messaging behaviour, and selector
static MessageSender SessionHelper.createSender(javax.jms.Session session, javax.jms.Destination destination, MessagingBehaviour behaviour)
          Create a MessageSender for the supplied session, destination and behaviour

Constructors in org.exolab.jmscts.core with parameters of type MessagingBehaviour
MessagingBehaviour(MessagingBehaviour behaviour)
          Construct a new instance, copying from an existing behaviour
SendReceiveTestInvoker(junit.framework.Test test, junit.framework.TestResult result, TestContext context, TestFilter filter, java.lang.Class messageType, MessagingBehaviour behaviour)
          Construct a new SendReceiveTestInvoker
TestContext(TestContext parent, java.lang.Class messageType, MessagingBehaviour behaviour)
          Construct a send/receive context.
TestContext(TestContext parent, javax.jms.Message message, MessagingBehaviour behaviour)
          Construct a send/receive context.

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