Uses of Class

Packages that use TestContext
org.exolab.jmscts.core Core code used to execute JMS CTS Code to generate HTML reports from XML, using XSLT Command line tools 

Uses of TestContext in org.exolab.jmscts.core

Methods in org.exolab.jmscts.core that return TestContext
 TestContext TestRunner.getContext()
          Return the context to test against
protected  TestContext TestRunner.getChildContext()
          Returns the test context of child test cases
 TestContext JMSTestCase.getContext()
          Return the context to test against
 TestContext JMSTest.getContext()
          Return the context to test against
abstract  TestContext AbstractTestRunner.createContext()
          Creates a test context
 TestContext TestContext.getParent()
          Returns the parent context
static TestContext TestContextHelper.createConnectionContext(TestContext context)
          Creates a new connection context with the same connection type as the supplied context.
static TestContext TestContextHelper.createSessionContext(TestContext context)
          Creates a new session context with the same session type as the supplied context.
static TestContext TestContextHelper.createSessionContext(TestContext context, boolean newConnection)
          Creates a new session context with the same session type as the supplied context.
static TestContext TestContextHelper.createSessionContext(TestContext context, AckType type)
          Creates a new session context from a connection context
static TestContext TestContextHelper.createSendReceiveContext(TestContext context)
          Creates a new send/receive context with the same details as the supplied context.
static TestContext TestContextHelper.createSendReceiveContext(TestContext context, boolean newConnection)
          Creates a new send/receive context with the same details as the supplied context.
static TestContext TestContextHelper.createSendReceiveContext(TestContext context, boolean newConnection, MessagingBehaviour behaviour)
          Creates a new send/receive context with the same details as the supplied context, but with a different messaging behaviour.
 TestContext StressTestRunner.createContext()
          Creates a test context
 TestContext JMSTestRunner.createContext()
          Creates a test context

Methods in org.exolab.jmscts.core with parameters of type TestContext
 void TestRunner.setContext(TestContext context)
          Set the context to test against
protected  void TestRunner.setChildContext(TestContext context)
          Sets the test context of child test cases
static javax.jms.Connection ConnectionFactoryHelper.createConnection(TestContext context, java.lang.String clientID)
          Create a connection.
 void JMSTestCase.setContext(TestContext context)
          Set the context to test against
 void JMSTest.setContext(TestContext context)
          Set the context to test against
 boolean TestFilter.includes(TestContext context, AckType mode, junit.framework.Test test)
          Determines if a test is included by the filter
 boolean TestFilter.includes(TestContext context, java.lang.Class messageType, junit.framework.Test test)
          Determines if a test is included by the filter
 boolean TestFilter.includes(TestContext context, MessagingBehaviour behaviour, java.lang.Class messageType, junit.framework.Test test)
          Determines if a test is included by the filter
protected  void AbstractSendReceiveTestCase.send(TestContext context, java.lang.String name, int count)
          Helper to send messages to a destination
protected  void AbstractSendReceiveTestCase.send(TestContext context, javax.jms.Destination destination, int count)
          Helper to send messages to a destination
protected  void AbstractSendReceiveTestCase.send(TestContext context, javax.jms.Message message, javax.jms.Destination destination, int count)
          Helper to send messages to a destination
protected  MessageReceiver AbstractSendReceiveTestCase.createReceiver(TestContext context, java.lang.String name)
          Helper to create a MessageReceiver for a single destination returned by AbstractSendReceiveTestCase.getDestination(java.lang.String), using the specified test context
protected  MessageReceiver[] AbstractSendReceiveTestCase.createReceivers(TestContext context)
          Helper to create MessageReceiver instances for each destination returned by AbstractSendReceiveTestCase.getDestinations()
protected  MessageSender AbstractSendReceiveTestCase.createSender(TestContext context, java.lang.String name)
          Helper to create a MessageSender for a single destination returned by AbstractSendReceiveTestCase.getDestination(java.lang.String), using the specified test context
protected  MessageSender[] AbstractSendReceiveTestCase.createSenders(TestContext context)
          Helper to create MessageSender instances for each destination returned by AbstractSendReceiveTestCase.getDestinations()
protected  void AbstractSendReceiveTestCase.receive(TestContext context, MessageReceiver[] receivers, int count)
          Helper to verify that each consumer receives the correct number of messages
protected  javax.jms.Message AbstractSendReceiveTestCase.receive(TestContext context, MessageReceiver receiver)
          Helper to verify that a consumer receives a single message
protected  java.util.List AbstractSendReceiveTestCase.receive(TestContext context, MessageReceiver receiver, int count)
          Helper to verify that a consumer receives the correct number of messages
protected  void SendReceiveTestInvoker.setUp(JMSTest test, TestContext context)
          Setup the test
protected  void SendReceiveTestInvoker.tearDown(JMSTest test, TestContext context)
          Tear down the test
static TestContext TestContextHelper.createConnectionContext(TestContext context)
          Creates a new connection context with the same connection type as the supplied context.
static TestContext TestContextHelper.createSessionContext(TestContext context)
          Creates a new session context with the same session type as the supplied context.
static TestContext TestContextHelper.createSessionContext(TestContext context, boolean newConnection)
          Creates a new session context with the same session type as the supplied context.
static TestContext TestContextHelper.createSessionContext(TestContext context, AckType type)
          Creates a new session context from a connection context
static TestContext TestContextHelper.createSendReceiveContext(TestContext context)
          Creates a new send/receive context with the same details as the supplied context.
static TestContext TestContextHelper.createSendReceiveContext(TestContext context, boolean newConnection)
          Creates a new send/receive context with the same details as the supplied context.
static TestContext TestContextHelper.createSendReceiveContext(TestContext context, boolean newConnection, MessagingBehaviour behaviour)
          Creates a new send/receive context with the same details as the supplied context, but with a different messaging behaviour.
static javax.jms.MessageConsumer SessionHelper.createConsumer(TestContext context, javax.jms.Destination destination, java.lang.String name)
          Create a message consumer for the supplied test context and destination
static javax.jms.MessageProducer SessionHelper.createProducer(TestContext context, javax.jms.Destination destination)
          Create a message producer for the supplied test context and destination
static MessageReceiver SessionHelper.createReceiver(TestContext context, javax.jms.Destination destination)
          Create a MessageReceiver for the supplied test context and destination
static MessageReceiver SessionHelper.createReceiver(TestContext context, javax.jms.Destination destination, java.lang.String selector, boolean noLocal)
          Create a MessageReceiver for the supplied test context, destination, selector, and noLocal flag
static MessageReceiver SessionHelper.createReceiver(TestContext context, javax.jms.Destination destination, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String selector, boolean noLocal)
          Create a MessageReceiver for the supplied test context, destination, name, selector, and noLocal flag
static MessageSender SessionHelper.createSender(TestContext context, javax.jms.Destination destination)
          Create a MessageSender for the supplied test context
static javax.jms.Destination DestinationHelper.create(TestContext context, java.lang.String name)
          Create a destination for the supplied name, using a test context If the context specifies a messaging behaviour, then that will used to determine if an administered or temporary destination will be created, otherwise an administered destination will be created.
static void DestinationHelper.destroy(TestContext context, javax.jms.Destination destination)
          Destroy a destination if it exists, using a test context
static void MessagingHelper.send(TestContext context, javax.jms.Destination destination, int count)
          Helper to send messages to a destination, using the message supplied by the test context
static void MessagingHelper.send(TestContext context, javax.jms.Message message, javax.jms.Destination destination, int count)
          Helper to send messages to a destination.
static javax.jms.Message MessagingHelper.sendReceive(TestContext context, javax.jms.Destination destination)
          Helper to send a message to a destination, and return a message from the same destination.
static javax.jms.Message MessagingHelper.sendReceive(TestContext context, javax.jms.Message message, javax.jms.Destination destination)
          Helper to send a message to a destination, and return a message from the same destination.
static java.util.List MessagingHelper.receive(TestContext context, MessageReceiver receiver, int count)
          Helper to receive messages
static javax.jms.Session ConnectionHelper.createSession(TestContext context, AckType type)
          Create a session
static javax.jms.Session ConnectionHelper.createSession(TestContext context)
          Create a session of with the same behaviour as that of the supplied context
static javax.jms.ConnectionConsumer ConnectionHelper.createConnectionConsumer(TestContext context, javax.jms.Destination destination, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String selector, javax.jms.ServerSessionPool pool, int maxMessages)
          Create a connection consumer

Constructors in org.exolab.jmscts.core with parameters of type TestContext
SendReceiveTestInvoker(junit.framework.Test test, junit.framework.TestResult result, TestContext context, TestFilter filter, java.lang.Class messageType, MessagingBehaviour behaviour)
          Construct a new SendReceiveTestInvoker
TestContext(TestContext parent, Administrator administrator)
          Construct an administrator context.
TestContext(TestContext parent, javax.jms.ConnectionFactory factory, java.lang.Class type)
          Construct a connection factory context.
TestContext(TestContext parent, javax.jms.Connection connection)
          Construct a connection context.
TestContext(TestContext parent, javax.jms.Session session, AckType type)
          Construct a session context.
TestContext(TestContext parent, java.lang.Class messageType)
          Construct a message context.
TestContext(TestContext parent, javax.jms.Message message)
          Construct a message context.
TestContext(TestContext parent, java.lang.Class messageType, MessagingBehaviour behaviour)
          Construct a send/receive context.
TestContext(TestContext parent, javax.jms.Message message, MessagingBehaviour behaviour)
          Construct a send/receive context.

Uses of TestContext in

Methods in with parameters of type TestContext
static TestRun ReportHelper.getTestRun(JMSTestCase test, TestContext context)
          Maps a JMSTestCase instance to a TestRun, using the specified context
static Context ReportHelper.getContext(TestContext context)
          Maps a TestContext instance to a Context
static Factory ReportHelper.getFactory(TestContext context)
          Maps the factory in a TestContext to a Factory
static SessionType ReportHelper.getSession(TestContext context)
          Maps the session in a TestContext to a SessionType
static MessageType ReportHelper.getMessage(TestContext context)
          Maps the message in a TestContext to a MessageType
static Behaviour ReportHelper.getBehaviour(TestContext context)
          Maps the messaging behaviour in a TestContext to a Behaviour

Uses of TestContext in

Methods in that return TestContext
protected  TestContext MessagingTool.getContext()
          Returns the connection factory test context

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