Uses of Class

Packages that use ThreadedAction
org.exolab.jmscts.core Core code used to execute JMS CTS 

Uses of ThreadedAction in org.exolab.jmscts.core

Subclasses of ThreadedAction in org.exolab.jmscts.core
 class DelayedAction
          Helper class to run an action in a separate thread after a delay, and catch any exception that the action generates.
 class ThreadedActions
          Helper class to run and wait for completion of a set of ThreadedAction instances.
 class ThreadedReceiver
          Helper class which performs message receipt in a separate thread
 class ThreadedSender
          Helper class which performs message production in a separate thread

Methods in org.exolab.jmscts.core with parameters of type ThreadedAction
 void ThreadedActions.addAction(ThreadedAction action)
          Add an action to be started and monitored by this

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