Uses of Interface

Packages that use ConnectionTestCase
org.exolab.jmscts.core Core code used to execute JMS CTS 
org.exolab.jmscts.stress Stress test suite 
org.exolab.jmscts.test.asf ASF compliance tests 
org.exolab.jmscts.test.connection javax.jms.Connection compliance tests 
org.exolab.jmscts.test.message.bytes javax.jms.BytesMessage compliance tests 
org.exolab.jmscts.test.message.clear Message.clearProperties() and Message.clearBody() compliance tests 
org.exolab.jmscts.test.message.copy Compliance tests to verify that message implementations copy content 
org.exolab.jmscts.test.message.foreign Tests JMS provider handling of 'foreign' message implementations 
org.exolab.jmscts.test.message.header Message header property compliance tests Message property compliance tests 
org.exolab.jmscts.test.message.readwrite Read/write compliance tests 
org.exolab.jmscts.test.producer.ttl Message time-to-live and JMSExpiration ompliance tests 
org.exolab.jmscts.test.selector Message selector compliance tests 
org.exolab.jmscts.test.session javax.jms.Session compliance tests 
org.exolab.jmscts.test.session.clientack CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE compliance tests 
org.exolab.jmscts.test.session.transacted Transacted javax.jms.Session compliance tests 
org.exolab.jmscts.test.topic Topic-related compliance tests 

Uses of ConnectionTestCase in org.exolab.jmscts.core

Subinterfaces of ConnectionTestCase in org.exolab.jmscts.core
 interface MessageTestCase
          This interface enables generic message test cases to be run for each JMS message type.
 interface SendReceiveTestCase
          This interface enables generic send/receive message test cases to be run for each JMS message, session and synchronous/asynchronous processing type.
 interface SessionTestCase
          This interface enables generic session test cases to be run for each JMS session type.

Classes in org.exolab.jmscts.core that implement ConnectionTestCase
 class AbstractConnectionTestCase
          This class provides a default implementation of the ConnectionTestCase interface.
 class AbstractMessageTestCase
          This class provides a default implementation of the MessageTestCase interface.
 class AbstractMessageTestRunner
          This class enables generic message test cases to be run for each JMS message type.
 class AbstractSendReceiveTestCase
          This class provides a default implementation of the SendReceiveTestCase interface.
 class AbstractSessionTestCase
          This class provides a default implementation of the SessionTestCase interface.
 class MessageTestRunner
          This class enables generic message test cases to be run for each JMS message type.
 class SendReceiveTestRunner
          This class enables generic message test cases to be run for each JMS message type using different delivery modes, synchronous/asynchronous messaging, and administered and non-administered destinations.
 class SessionTestRunner
          This class enables generic session test cases to be run for each JMS session type.

Constructors in org.exolab.jmscts.core with parameters of type ConnectionTestCase
ConnectionTestRunner(ConnectionTestCase test)
          Construct an instance with the test case to run

Uses of ConnectionTestCase in org.exolab.jmscts.stress

Classes in org.exolab.jmscts.stress that implement ConnectionTestCase
 class ReceiveSize0KTest
          Performs a stress test using one producer, one consumer and empty messages.
 class Send0KTest
          Performs a stress test using one producer and empty messages.
 class SendReceive0KTest
          Performs a stress test using one producer, one consumer and empty messages.
 class SendReceive2Size0KTest
          Performs a stress test using one producer, two consumers and empty messages.
 class SendReceive50Size0KTest
          Performs a stress test using one producer, fifty consumers and empty messages.
 class SendReceiveStressTestCase
          This class provides functionality for stress tests involving a single producer, and multiple concurrent consumers, for a single destination

Uses of ConnectionTestCase in org.exolab.jmscts.test.asf

Classes in org.exolab.jmscts.test.asf that implement ConnectionTestCase
 class ConnectionConsumerTest
          This class tests the behaviour of ConnectionConsumers

Uses of ConnectionTestCase in org.exolab.jmscts.test.connection

Classes in org.exolab.jmscts.test.connection that implement ConnectionTestCase
 class ClientIdentifierTest
          This class verifies that the client identifier can be set, but only on creation of a connection.
 class ConnectionCloseTest
          This class tests the behaviour of Connection.close
 class ListenerTest
          This class tests the behaviour of stopping and closing a connection while a listener is active.
 class MetaDataTest
          This class tests that connections support JMSXGroupID and JMSXGroupSeq properties.
 class ReceiverTest
          This class tests the behaviour of stopping and closing a connection while a receiver is active.
 class SendReceiveStopTest
          This class tests the behaviour of Connection.stop and Connection.start
 class StopStartTest
          This class tests the behaviour of Connection.stop and Connection.start

Uses of ConnectionTestCase in org.exolab.jmscts.test.message.bytes

Classes in org.exolab.jmscts.test.message.bytes that implement ConnectionTestCase
 class BytesMessageTest
          This class tests the BytesMessage message type.

Uses of ConnectionTestCase in org.exolab.jmscts.test.message.clear

Classes in org.exolab.jmscts.test.message.clear that implement ConnectionTestCase
 class ClearTest
          This class tests the behaviour of Message.clearBody() and Message.clearProperties()
 class RecoverClearTest
          This class tests the behaviour of Message.clearBody() and Message.clearProperties() for CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE sessions where the session is recovered.
 class RollbackClearTest
          This class tests the behaviour of Message.clearBody() and Message.clearProperties() for transacted sessions where the session is rolled back.
 class SendReceiveClearTest
          This class tests the behaviour of Message.clearBody() and Message.clearProperties() on send and receipt, against all message, delivery, and transaction types

Uses of ConnectionTestCase in org.exolab.jmscts.test.message.copy

Classes in org.exolab.jmscts.test.message.copy that implement ConnectionTestCase
 class MapMessageTest
          This class tests that MapMessage copies byte array content
 class MessageCopyTest
          This class tests that message properties and message bodies are copied on send and receive.
 class ObjectMessageTest
          This class tests that ObjectMessage copies content
 class StreamMessageTest
          This class verifies that StreamMessage copies content

Uses of ConnectionTestCase in org.exolab.jmscts.test.message.foreign

Classes in org.exolab.jmscts.test.message.foreign that implement ConnectionTestCase
 class ForeignMessageTest
          This class tests the behaviour of sending 'foreign' messages.

Uses of ConnectionTestCase in org.exolab.jmscts.test.message.header

Classes in org.exolab.jmscts.test.message.header that implement ConnectionTestCase
 class JMSCorrelationIDTest
          This class tests the JMSCorrelationID message property
 class JMSDestinationTest
          This class tests the JMSDestination message property
 class JMSMessageIDTest
          This class tests the JMSMessageID message property
 class JMSReplyToTest
          This class tests the JMSReplyTo message property.

Uses of ConnectionTestCase in

Classes in that implement ConnectionTestCase
 class IdentifierTest
          This class tests message property identifiers.
 class JMSXGroupTest
          This class tests that connections support JMSXGroupID and JMSXGroupSeq properties
NOTE: the specification is not clear on the behaviour of null values for these properties.
 class PropertyConversionTest
          This class tests message property conversion
 class PropertyTest
          This class tests that message properties set before a message is sent are identical to those received.
 class PropertyTypeTest
          This class tests message property types

Uses of ConnectionTestCase in org.exolab.jmscts.test.message.readwrite

Classes in org.exolab.jmscts.test.message.readwrite that implement ConnectionTestCase
 class ReadWriteTest
          This class tests that message properties and message bodies may be read and written on creation of a new message
 class SendReceiveReadWriteTest
          This class tests that message properties and message bodies are writeable on send, and readable on receipt

Uses of ConnectionTestCase in org.exolab.jmscts.test.producer.ttl

Classes in org.exolab.jmscts.test.producer.ttl that implement ConnectionTestCase
 class ExpirationTest
          This class tests message expiration
 class QueueSenderTest
          This class tests the behaviour of the time-to-live methods and their affect on the JMSExpiration, for QueueSenders
(package private)  class org.exolab.jmscts.test.producer.ttl.TimeToLiveTestCase
          This class provides helper methods for message time-to-live test cases
 class TopicPublisherTest
          This class tests the behaviour of the time-to-live methods and their affect on the JMSExpiration, for TopicPublishers

Uses of ConnectionTestCase in org.exolab.jmscts.test.selector

Classes in org.exolab.jmscts.test.selector that implement ConnectionTestCase
 class AbstractSelectorTestCase
          This class enables selector test cases to be run for each JMS message, session and synchronous/asynchronous processing type.
 class AndOperatorTest
          This class tests selectors containing the AND operator.
 class BetweenOperatorTest
          This class tests selector containing the BETWEEN operator.
 class BooleanTest
          This class tests selectors containing boolean literals.
 class EmptySelectorTest
          This class tests the behaviour of empty selectors.
 class FloatTest
          This class tests selectors containing floating point literals and objects.
 class JMSDeliveryModeTest
          This class tests selectors containing JMSDeliveryMode
 class JMSPriorityTest
          This class tests selectors containing JMSPriority
 class JMSTimestampTest
          This class tests selectors containing JMSTimestamp
 class StringTest
          This class tests selectors containing string literals and objects

Uses of ConnectionTestCase in org.exolab.jmscts.test.session

Classes in org.exolab.jmscts.test.session that implement ConnectionTestCase
 class AutoAckTest
          This class tests the behaviour of consumers on sessions created with the Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE message acknowledgment mode.
 class CloseTest
          This class tests the behaviour of Session.close
 class DupsAckTest
          This class tests the behaviour of consumers on sessions created with the Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE message acknowledgment mode.
 class ListenerCloseTest
          This class tests the behaviour of stopping and closing a connection while a listener is active.
 class MessageListenerTest
          This class tests that MessageListeners are invoked serially.
 class NonTransactedTest
          This class verifies that methods used only for transacted sessions throw IllegalStateException if invoked
 class ReceiverCloseTest
          This class tests the behaviour of closing a session while a receiver is active.

Uses of ConnectionTestCase in org.exolab.jmscts.test.session.clientack

Classes in org.exolab.jmscts.test.session.clientack that implement ConnectionTestCase
 class ClientAcknowledgeTest
          This class tests the behaviour of sessions created with the Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE message acknowledgment mode.
(package private)  class org.exolab.jmscts.test.session.clientack.ClientAcknowledgeTestCase
          This class provides helper methods for CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE test cases
 class RepublishTest
          This class tests the behaviour of republishing a received message, and then acknowledging it.
 class SubscriberRedeliveredTest
          This class tests the behaviour of the JMSRedelivered flag when multiple topic subscribers subscribe to the same topic, and one of the CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE sessions is recovered.

Uses of ConnectionTestCase in org.exolab.jmscts.test.session.transacted

Classes in org.exolab.jmscts.test.session.transacted that implement ConnectionTestCase
 class CommitTest
          This class tests session commit functionality
 class RecoverTest
          This class verifies that methods used only for transacted sessions throw IllegalStateException if invoked
 class RollbackTest
          This class tests session rollback functionality.

Uses of ConnectionTestCase in org.exolab.jmscts.test.topic

Classes in org.exolab.jmscts.test.topic that implement ConnectionTestCase
 class DuplicateDurableSubscriberTest
          This class tests the behaviour of durable TopicSubscribers
 class DurableSubscriberTest
          This class tests the behaviour of durable TopicSubscribers
 class NoLocalTest
          This class tests the behaviour of the noLocal argument of TopicSubscriber

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